

Climate. Its simple, Newton wrote a bunch of clever laws one which can be drawn on as an analogy for for this.For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, maybe forget the equal part for now… so you put 7 billion earthlings on the planet, cut down half the trees, decimate the ecology, poison the air and water (I have just got those two tailing dam collapses in Brazil in my head at the moment, you know there was one this year, by the same company which f’ed up the tailing dam 5 years ago – Vale.. why does that not garner a bunch of outrage ? ) and eat most of the available meat (think fish here) on the planet and there is gonna be reaction.. just taking a punt here, but thats probably not gonna be a good reaction… if we are seeing any level of this reaction in our insignificant lifespans then sure as shit something is going on… its not rocket science, which segway that shit into NASA, last time i checked they had something to say about ‘Climate Change’… just go to their webbie and read the bit about “Facts – evidence” and remember these are the people that put people on the moon, thats a bit harder than it looks, commonly referred to as rocket science

Heres an appropriate picture of me staring off into a seemingly nuclear holocaust sunrise behind a pool of golf course fertiliser green water

Climate. Its simple
(C) 2019 Gerard Blacklock, all rights reserved

In the flow

A lovely morning at one of my favourite and well visited spots, Little Bay

D750 coupled with Nikkor16-35 f4 @ 16mm
Aperture: f13 and Shutter Speed: 13s
ISO: 100
Out front: Lee Graduated Filter 0.9x and Hoya Circular Polariser

AloneThis one is a bit of nifty panorama if I do say so myself :) , its well pre dawn as you can see by the lone light up on the headland and felt pretty well pitch black except for the glow on the horizon


This one is a bit of nifty panorama if I do say so myself 🙂 , its well pre dawn as you can see by the lone light up on the headland and felt pretty well pitch black except for the glow on the horizon. Onto the nifty-ness, its a 3 shot pano, however the light was changing fairly fast , hence in each exposure i decreased the shutter time to account for the brightening sky.
The first image was 156s, the second 87.5s and the final one 66s, the fisherman, surprisingly, in one of the 3 exposures stayed quite still which meant he remained somewhat quite sharp in the image.

3 shot Panorama – D750 coupled with Nikkor16-35 f4 @ 16mm
Aperture: f16 and Shutter Speed: as above
ISO: 100
Out front: Lee Graduated Filter 0.9x and Hoya Circular Polariser

Seagull toes

Little Bay

I have visited this spot probably half a dozen times over the last few years, this particular shelf is really only accessible and covered in cool green stuff and timed with sunrise a several times a year, multiple this by the availability factor ( 🙂 ) and it becomes pretty hard to be there at the right time :). It really has to be lowish tide and low swell, pretty well anything else there and is a good chance you will change the local sign with the body count from 4 to 5.

Now if you thinking, I would have to be pretty keen to be standing here as the wave washed over, bear in mind, that off frame, just to the left there were a bunch of seagulls, they did not even bother to move as the water washed over the shelf and tickled their little toes 🙂 couple this with the fact that the waves which did wash over are only the large set which happens roughly every 7 minutes or so.

D750 coupled with Nikkor16-35 f4 @ 16mm
Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 2ss
ISO: 100
Out front: Lee Graduated Filter 0.9x and Hoya Circular Polariser

Little Bay

The conditions on this particular morning were quite interesting and photogenic, the sun really held out for ages and consequently i ended up with 14 million images from the morning… i did only edit a couple so I reckon this folder deserves alittle more love 🙂

I quite like this one – similar to a previous one, however just two shots stitched into a panorama, the second shot really only accounts for about 1/5th of the total image, however it is on the right hand side and gives the sun and its rays a bit of room to breathe.

D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 f/4@ 16mm Aperture: f18
Shutter Speed: 1.6s
ISO: 100
Out Front: Lee Graduated filter (0.9x) and Hoya Circular Polariser.

Reverse Grad Cloud

Reverse Grad Cloud - (c) Gerard Blacklock

D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 1s
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL and LEE GND (0.9x) and natural reverse grad 🙂

For those who are not in the know about filters for cameras – oh yes we use those to distort reality too 😉 A reverse graduated filter is simply a filter which darkens the sky and then also has a even darker band that can be aligned with the horizon to really reduce the exposure on the sun (the brightest part of the scene) during those sunrise and sunset time, those leave one with a nicely exposed frame.

Now, i don’t have one of these since they are pretty specialised and really can only be used in a few cases anyway – you can also replicate the filter with a couple of normal graduated filters…

anyway there is a point to all that, there are some mornings when the cloud and sun gods shine upon you (hahaha did see what I did there 😉 ) and you get a scene like this where the band of cloud along the horizon provides you with a natural part of the reverse graduated filter 🙂

nicely played clouds and sun 🙂 its a bit of boring composition but I could not really find anything else nearby to jazz it up and by the time I would have climbed down the rocks the light could have been all gone 🙂

Exif love 😉
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 1s
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL and LEE GND (0.9x) and natural reverse grad 🙂

Little Tree @ Little Bay

D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f14 and Shutter Speed: 2.5s ISO 100 Out front - Hoya CPL and LEE GND (0.9x)

D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f14 and Shutter Speed: 2.5s
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL and LEE GND (0.9x)

I love my lonely trees on hills – this one is part of the golf course at Little Bay. I was visiting there with +Rodney Campbell , +Tom Testone and +Kitten KaboodleInc and I noticed that were some pink pastels developing off to the west so a quick change of location and position I got this tree nicely silhouetted, the pastels did not really eventuate, however it was a bit of bonus to get the moon in there too.

Exif love 😉
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f14 and Shutter Speed: 2.5s
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL and LEE GND (0.9x)

The opposite of long is short

The Opposite of Little is .. (c) Gerard Blacklock

Exif love:
3 frames stitched together
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35mm f4 @ 24mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 1/2s
ISO 100
Out front – CPL and Lee Graduated Filter 0.9X

big, bold and bright

The shot before this one
slightly wider, taken as 3 shots to get a slightly wider view on things, mainly to just capture the sun in the frame as well.

Exif love:
3 frames stitched together
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35mm f4 @ 24mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 1/2s
ISO 100
Out front – CPL and Lee Graduated Filter 0.9X


Side Washed - (c) Gerard Blacklock

D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f11 and Shutter Speed: lotsa seconds 🙂 246.8 seconds to be exact
ISO 200
Out front – Lee Bigstopper, Hoya CPLand LEE GND (0.9x)

I have a whole bunch of titles for this one, but really the only appropriate one is side-washed, ’cause I did end up getting soaked from a incoming sneaky side wave 🙂 conveniently enough, the exposure had just finished when the wave hit so this is the resultant shot, not my favorite from a long shot, but I will remember it 🙂

It did also provide a good incentive to actually give my camera bag and other non electronic items a good run thru the washing machine, so i now have a bag that smells like daisy’s, rather than stinky dad smell, as coined by Chaos 😉 ..I have to admit it did smell a bit like back sweat 😉

Cheers to the Rodney, Tom and Kitten for the company, was good to meet up and we must do it again 🙂

Exif love 😉
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f11 and Shutter Speed: lotsa seconds 🙂 246.8 seconds to be exact
ISO 200
Out front – Lee Bigstopper, Hoya CPLand LEE GND (0.9x)


I did plan to hit this place for a completely different reason, there is a cool channel near here which during the December month lines up with the sunrise. I did get it last year, but was not overly happy with the result… its amazing that a whole year has gone past since then, damn it went fast! anyways, so I thought I would go back, however rather than capture it with a bunch of clouds and very little sunrise, I really want to get a nice sunrise with some cool colour, hence, it will have to wait.. probably until this time next year lol.

On the upside, whilst it was rainy and cloudy the tide was fairly low (and coming in) which meant this nearby rockshelf had quite nice conditions with the waves spilling over the shelf. The scale is a bit deceptive, its actually quite larger than it looks, if you look carefully you can see a crazy fisherman stick out there on the left where they hang onto whilst catching breakfast 😉

This particular image is a 3 shot panorama, 3 landscape orientation images at 21mm, it took a bit of time to get the same wave action in each frame such that when it stitched it did not end up with funny join lines. Its not perfect but still somewhat acceptable.

Exif love:
3 shot panorama
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 21mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 1.6s
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL and LEE GND (0.6x)

Pinlight of hope

its a bit like that small amount of hope in the back of your head when sitting in the dentists chair that it 'aint gonna hurt… but it then gets squashed…;) damn I hate going to the dentist 😉

The sun made a brief appearance on this particular morning before succumbing to the thick blanket of clouds.

Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 15s
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL