The Golden Path

Its always a pleasure to check out this spot (Goanna Head), you are pretty well guaranteed to have the whole headland to yourself, I am talking about humans here, you do have to share with the spiders snakes, wallabies and all the other characters about at the crack of dawn, its also a nice 20 minute walk thru the bush to the beaches which is always a bit more interesting when its pitch black and no moon.
I had done sunrise and was scoping out a few other spots further around on the headland when I stopped to take a shot of the track (I like track shots smile emoticon ), which as you can see is pretty cool with the trail leading the scene. Anyways, I setup the shot only to notice I was standing awfully f'ing close to a rather large fire-ant infestation, I thought, sure I wrap this one up now and move on.. but no, these little clowns had other ideas, within in seconds i got simultaneous nailed (thru teh sock) by three of these little f'ers which then consequently made me squeal like a 6 year old – and I then realised why they are called fire ants…
so here's to you not so little fire ants… you can keep your patch of path..

Exif love
4 shot panorama (vertical)
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 1s
ISO 100

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