There is a song about that 😉
This was the last shot of the day (well for sunrise anyways 🙂 ) The rain had momentarily stopped and the sun was making another grab for freedom from the clouds.
I stumbled about the rocks looking for that cool foreground as the rays of light shone down like some biblical scene, i suppose i did pray for some something decent but all it threw me was a bunch seaweed and some neptune necklaces 🙁 coulda been worse I suppose…
Here is a cool example of the polariser working, whilst its pretty well straight into the sun (polarisation is strongest at 90 degrees to the direction of the sun) the polariser let me get a clear glimpse into the world that lay at my toes..
Exif love ('cause I know your just hanging for it 🙂 )
2 shots, one for the sky and one for the foreground, really easy blend with the straight horizon.
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f18 and Shutter Speed: 1.6s (for the sky) and 3 s for the foreground
ISO 100
Great picture – very strong stone/cloud elements.
Good shot +Gerard Blacklock
wonderful shot, beautiful
WOW Love this
Great shot +Gerard Blacklock, the transparency on the foreground adds an extra layer of interest in the seascape. Well done 😉
Wonderful shot !!
Beautiful seascape. Nice detail and texture.
Great capture +Gerard Blacklock
Nice one mate. Love the drama happening in the clouds above!
Pretty much everyone has said it all +Gerard Blacklock but loving the rocks and water particularly 🙂