The Hidden Weeding Wedding

yep, up there, thats a bride and groom in the throes of….

passion..whilst being photographed 😉 well maybe not quite passion…

Hats off to the couple and the keen bean photographer's, its a fair old walk down here to the cape and the last time I wore high heels (ssshh.. ! 🙂 ) i can imagine that it would have been hell for the bride 🙂

It was a quick grab shot as I was heading back up towards the golf course, I turned around and the photographer had perched them up on the edge with clear instructions to stand very still 🙂 .. which was kind of them, meant they were not blurry in this 1.3s exposure.

D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f13 and Shutter Speed: 1.3s
ISO 100
Out front – Lee Graduated Filter 0.6x and Hoya CPL

23 thoughts on “The Hidden Weeding Wedding

  1. +Gerard Blacklock I though they were a distant lighthouse when I first glanced at the photo 🙂 It's a lovely shot indeed Gerard, love the composition, the rock in the foreground, debris, delicately coloured sky and then finally zooming in to the couple standing there.

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