Thanks +Anna Ryndak and yes you got to watch her, she will often give you that cheeky look then do a runner, apparently there is nothing more funny than having your parents race after you 😉
Thankyou +Patrizia Melis , very fearless 🙂 have a great weekend.
+Kitten KaboodleInc 🙂 just wait until I find that headband, the great thing is kids at this age is that they are not embarrassed 🙂 but when they see the photos later in life…. (that's gonna be my drawcard for later on 🙂 )
Thanks +Hammad Rais , I hear what your saying 🙂 its funny to see them in new shoes and see them get used to them, luckily tickles only likes playing with the velcro straps, rather than taking them off 🙂
Wonderful and proud little one exploring ♡:-)
She is adorable! (Or running away…)
Uhmmm pink sneakers, stylish!! I think made more for climbing, here I see a potential fearless explorer!! 😀 Very very beautiful sequence and sweet.
Hehehe so cute +Gerard Blacklock​ 😀 I've got the whole 'Footloose' song going in my head! :p
So nice
this is so cute, reminds me about my son's sneakers which he refused to wear initially but after few weeks, he didn't let them go off from his feet
+Kitten KaboodleInc you got the message..splendit remark girl..♡lol:-)))
+Hjordis Torfa it was little Tickles hanging off the rail/vine like Kevin Bacon that did it :)) ♡
Lovely capture 💚
Very cute sequence of photos +Gerard Blacklock!! 🙂 …cuteness overload!! 😉
Your daughter is a adorable little Princess. So cute and so sweet.
Daaaarling! 🙂
Thankyou +Hjordis Torfa
Thanks +Anna Ryndak and yes you got to watch her, she will often give you that cheeky look then do a runner, apparently there is nothing more funny than having your parents race after you 😉
Thankyou +Patrizia Melis , very fearless 🙂 have a great weekend.
+Liz C
I say that alot now 🙂
+Kitten KaboodleInc 🙂 just wait until I find that headband, the great thing is kids at this age is that they are not embarrassed 🙂 but when they see the photos later in life…. (that's gonna be my drawcard for later on 🙂 )
Thankyou +Kiran.M. Desai
Thanks +Hammad Rais , I hear what your saying 🙂 its funny to see them in new shoes and see them get used to them, luckily tickles only likes playing with the velcro straps, rather than taking them off 🙂
Thankyou +sophie DIDIER , +Elizabeth Testone, +Dario Platania and +mariana alexandru
As I always say, it's a absolute privilege to be a part of her life (and chaos' as well)
🙂 Waiting for the next incredible feat! +Gerard Blacklock Thank you, a great weekend to you too.
+Gerard Blacklock hahaha sneaky dad! :p
+Kitten KaboodleInc
+Gerard Blacklock my son was more attracted to the flashing LEDs on his sneakers, he didn't stopped running 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock​ looks like she's inherited dad's sense of adventure! 🙂