
I do wonder sometimes whether I have ever actually improved in my photography…thats not a comment trying to illicit comments blah blah 🙂 but going to the fundamentals of taking a picture I don't think I have really improved that much (or maybe I was never that bad at it 🙂 ). Besides having a nicer camera nowadays and a few funky lens and the occasional filter… it would appear from this image (which for kicks and giggles I had a re-look at and also another hack) that its better than alot of my stuff nowadays 🙂 – one thing I will say having a faster 'puter makes me better 😉 sooo much quicker in processing panos.

This image was taken in 2009, pre-kids.. pre-responsibilities 🙂
its a 3 image panorama taken with my first DSLR, a Nikon D80 and the nikkor 17-55 f2.8 lens, i had a polariser filter on it since i was just in love with those at the time and had just bought a new one before this trip :). It was the second shot I took here from this morning, in a time when I thought sunrise session meant getting there 10 minutes before the sun came up 🙂

Its always interesting to look back through the folders of images for a trip down memory lane and also for a fresh view on a old shot 🙂

9 thoughts on “Time

  1. I feel that way myself. I like quite a bit of the work I did when I started the digital journey. Of course now I don't photograph at all bar the occasional camera phone snap. This is an excellent image. Putting all your heart into photography versus having three gorgeous and life enhancing daughters to idolize you – well I think you have done quite well since they joined your family. Children don't stay small forever, as I know all too well. Your day will come when they will be off doing their own thing. But maybe they will want to be photographers as well. Wouldn't that be lovely! Happy Christmas to your beautiful family!

  2. +Carolyn Fahm I hope 2018 is good to you and you can get out and enjoy some more photography, i find it such a release and rejuvenation in a busy world, the balance between family, hobby and work is a hard one and as you say they are not young for ever hence I do try and spend as much time as I can with them 🙂 My eldest enjoys photography with me occasionally, but more enjoys the adventure of getting out – that works well for both of us 🙂

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