Well done Chaos, thats a season of Nippers done, whilst I have enjoyed the routine egg and bacon roll and coffee as you tear up and down the beach and in and out of the water, I think only one of has gotten fit 😉
A big hat tip to the great crew of instructors (Bluefit), dealing with these little nippers is a bit like herding cats on speed 😉
Good job Chaos !!!
Brilliant work by everyone, yourself included 🙂
Well goodness me! Always knew Chaos was an active little girl, but how impressive! Great series of pictures too (th) btw +Gerard Blacklock​! 😀
Thanks 🙂 +Loretta Jayne
Thanks Al, good to see i get some recognition, but really, i got the easy job 🙂 +Al Chris
+Kitten KaboodleInc she just started rock climbing the other week, lets just say she went up her first wall … damn fast… hopefully that will keep her outta the trees 😉
+Gerard Blacklock man!! Supergirl! Geez you've got a little Amazon there! 😉
Nah, being a supportive parent can be pretty hard work sometimes 🙂
Well done Chaos! ☺ Nicely captured Gerard! Hmm egg & bacon roll with coffee, I guess someone had to take on for the team, lol! 😉
Tooo beautiful! 🙂 +Gerard Blacklock
So soooo sweet!
+Kitten KaboodleInc
Thanks +Liz C
+Al Chris
yup .. just being a parent fullstop is hardwork !
+Tom Testone
lol.. glad you appreciate my pain there 🙂 I had two bacon and egg rolls last weekend 🙂
thanks +Patrizia Melis , hope you have a great week.
+Gerard Blacklock​ nicely played mate! ☺👍
True, but getting to the other side is pretty great ☺