Showing some appreciation to the Morton Bay Fig trees, this is what kids are meant to do 🙂 bare foot and swing in the trees 🙂 This tree must be over a hundred years old and has such cool horizontal branches that just cry out to be lounged on 🙂 It also has some really cool hidey holes between the folds of the trunk too…

Awwww! Fantastic montage.
That is what I did as a child. … Mainly in cotton trees :))
You are a best. Have a Wonderful day
Super images Gerard 😍
Love this!
Be still my heart! I hope this one is on your wall!♡ +Gerard Blacklock……
<3 +1
Nice shots of your daughter enjoying the tree.
We actually have a Morton Bay fig in Santa Barbara that is somewhat of a celebrity:
The best climbing tree I have ever seen, the perfect place for Chaos explore. I would have loved it when I was her age.
excellent demonstration by your daughter!
Thanks +Liz C 🙂
Thankyou +sophie DIDIER and +Michelle Sledgeski
Thankyou +mary g Cadigan – i need more wall space 🙁
+Gracia Lozano 🙂
+Marc Briggs hey thats really cool! 1876 huh! that one is probably about the same size maybe a bit smaller as the one in this picture so the 100 years or so is a pretty good estimate. Sadly, in Sydney we had a whole bunch of these (apparently 100+ years) cut down to build part of a railway line… 🙁
Thanks for the comment mate.
+Carolyn Fahm 🙂 I never climbed on these kind of figs but had plenty of other crazy Australian trees 🙂
+Kate Arnold 🙂 thankyou