Wanaka Nudgee Tree


So, if you do a google search for 'wanka tree' (yes even with the incorrect spelling as I did 🙂 not deliberately either ) google throws you straight to a bunch of spectacular images of the famous tree in NZ, along with a few tours, on the other hand if you google 'nudgee tree' you get a few very nice images and mostly adverts for tree removal services 😉

Hence, here's my push for some tourist love for the Nudgee tree, rather than jostle with the 20 or so togs you will be with at the Wanaka Tree in NZ, you can have this one all to your self and if your feeling a little lonely just omit the inspect repellent fora whole bunch of instant friendships 🙂 you can have it with mud, or in a knee deep water, at sunrise or sunset.. the possibilities are endless 🙂

Exif love:
two shots blended together using luminosity masks
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35 mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f16 and Shutter Speed: 20s and 8 s
ISO 100
Out front – Hoya CPL, Lee graduated filter 0.6x

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