Whaddya mean I got chocolate on my face? Posted on May 8, 2016 by gerry and theres a unicorn behind too btw now your freakin me out man……
Look at that little mischievous innocent face +Gerard Blacklock​! Pass the #dino-cino willya Dad! (Man just can't get good service at home these days!) 😆
+Kitten KaboodleInchere's the sequence for ya.. after I refused to go a fourth one..https://flic.kr/p/GUZe8o
Pure bliss 🙂
Adorable !!!!!!!!!!!
Splendide +Gerard Blacklock
Look at that little
mischievousinnocent face +Gerard Blacklock​! Pass the #dino-cino willya Dad! (Man just can't get good service at home these days!) 😆What a tough day for this cute little girl.. 😍😍
Bonita fotografía, gracias!
Beautiful photo, thanks!
Thankyou +Al Chris
Thankyou +Loretta Jayne , +Liz C and +RICARDO MARTINEZ
+Kitten KaboodleInc
hehe, and this was after 3 daddy-ding-dong baby-cinos.
Thanks Boris +Boris Lantern
Thankyou +Gracia Lozano
+Gerard Blacklock gee only three? 😉
+Kitten KaboodleInc
here's the sequence for ya.. after I refused to go a fourth one..