William Wallace Monument

The Scots don't mind the odd Monument it seems, It does seem alot of effort just for a building which is not particularly functional (happy to be corrected here ) – I guess one could compare it to the Centrepoint Tower in Sydney, not overly functional and mainly a tourist attraction – that said, the WW monument is a tad older, built in 1861 🙂
Its a pretty impressive sight, at 67 metres high it certainly stands out, we first saw it when visiting the Stirling Castle, looking out from the castle its a distinct landmark across the landscape, we did also visit the actual monument but did not climb up it (too late in the day). When I first saw it at Stirling Castle I thought, yeah gotta get a shot of that, i'll do it when we leave… it then rained 🙂

3 shot panorama
D750 coupled with Nikkor 70-200 mm f2.8 @ 200mm Aperture: f4 and Shutter Speed: 1/250s
ISO: 200
out front: just another Scottish Monument

4 thoughts on “William Wallace Monument

  1. I have to put my hands up to being someone who often finds myself overwhelmed by emotion when viewing things of exquisite beauty, so I hope you don't take it the wrong way when I tell you that when I viewed this in full screen my eyes filled up with tears. You have come back with such a visually stunning record of your northern European explorations that it is clear in my mind that you have become a landscape photographer in full mastery of your craft and an artist of an exquisite visual sense because you have come back with masterpiece after masterpiece. This is one such image, as are your Norwegian fjord images. I feel hugely fortunate to have discovered your work here on G+.

  2. Thankyou +Carolyn Fahm you are waay too kind with your words. I really appreciate all the real quality and engaging conversations you bring to my posts and thats why I am on and originally joined gplus, to have engaging conversations and meet cool people, just like you 🙂
    I take alot of pictures, hence statistically some of them have gotta be half decent 😉
    I really like this one too, I took a number of shots from up here on the Castle (Stirling) hill and also down near the town, all with the idea of trying to get that long pano with the isolation of the tower from the background, it did not quite come off as I wanted it too in my head, but I am still happy with it.
    Again, thankyou for your kind and consistent words of encouragement:)

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