D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/3.3 and Shutter Speed: 329.5s
ISO: 200
Outfront – a hoodie, a big f-off drop and some funky-ass wave action.
So here we are, myself and Rodney perched out on some freaking rock outcropping atop a old munitions bunker trying to get a better view on the freaky stuff happening in the ocean, my first thought was a super aerated water being more reflective (and white) to light etc however it would have appear, to the naked eye and also to the camera sensor there was some bizarre means to which the ocean seem to emanate a glow when the waves shamed on the rock shelf.
I have seen images of the crazy ones in San Deigio but they are much more prominent. Clues anyone, surely we do not have Bioluminescent ocean here?!
Ironically, in less than 7 hours I was in a boat out in that very ocean doing some deep sea fishing, which btw was was pretty successful, got me some very tasty flathead and bream, real man sized fish 🙂
Single shot
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/3.3 and Shutter Speed: 329.5s
ISO: 200
Outfront – a hoodie, a big f-off drop and some funky-ass wave action.
Ma è surreale!!!! Bellissimo
What a fantastic scenery, a simple photo but a great work of composition, careful and wonderful details…oh and many thanks also for the hilarious premise, I "saw" the whole situation 🙂 +Gerard Blacklock
LOL +Gerard Blacklock Love this!!
Fascinating image!!
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Enjoy your day ♥
(Marina Versaci)
wonderful capture, beautiful
did you have a beer or two hahaa lovely photo!
Really nice 😉
Wow…what is that?
Amazing photo!
im going to set that as my background so awesome
Fabulous photo! :))
yes people what are doing for our beusiness because is life of people over the world
Awesome PIC
+Gerard Blacklock Your wonderful photo has been selected as most excellent share on
+BTP Landscape Pro
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Thank you , Enjoy your day !
(Nancy Dempsey)
Wonderful ***********
Oh I've. Never seen, thank you!
And I love grilled bream :-)))
It either algae or plankton. It put on a show at Manly and along the coast a couple of weeks ago. It needs to be agitated in order to bioluminescence…. Nice shot..
Beautiful imagery!
another nice one mate, loving the f/ground and waves. Maybe a little less sky (??)
that not sky is ocean you can tell in the back of the waves
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Rinus Bakker