there is no happier moment than a child laughing uncontrollably
So here we are brushing our teeth, in the middle of the day of course 🙂 it was just myself and tickles (her sister was at school) and someone thought it would be a great idea to grab a spoon and drink water from the bathroom sink. Normally i would stop this, however tickles has had a pretty fierce set of teeth coming thru and suffering from some bad fevers as a result so I thought I would let it slide, especially since she seemed to do a better job getting the water on the spoon and into her mouth than say.. her breakfast or dinner ;).
The first image is after me saying stop.. you can see the thoughts in her head "why eh ?"
The second image is.. well … I can't put it any other way.. blatant disrespect for authority (i wonder where she got that from ? mum 😉 ? )
The third image… in adult terms is "haha screw you dad i just did it 😉 whatcha gonna do?"
Great to see you smile tickles, i love it when you laugh (even if you don't listen to me 🙂 )
D750 coupled with 85mm f1.4 @ 85mm Aperture: f/2.0 and Shutter Speed: 1/250s
ISO 400
She has the most beautiful eyes
She's adorable +Gerard Blacklock, cheeky but very cute! She has such gorgeous expressive eyes!
Thank you +Gerard Blacklock for capturing this. I go through this unique experience almost everyday with my son. It brightens up my day
Looks like the ladies rule 😉
Lovely shot Gérard. Marvelous Baby ☺️
gorgeous +Gerard Blacklock !
such a happy face…😃
Pretty as a flower, that's what u are, little one! I love the naughty smile on the third image! Love you cutie!!
Awwwww #cutenessoverload! She's so adorable !
Happy girl
I am a complete tool.
i love watching videos of toddlers eating lemon for the first time
+Gerard Blacklock ….holy mackerel! what a beauty!….no respect? get use to it…lol….she' put a big smile on my face…….happy st paddy's day to ya…..
ich weiss was sie kann mutti werden
Sweet shots +Gerard Blacklock ;-)!
cute smile
Thanks +Julia Robertson
+Tom Testone and a little nose that crinkles up when she smiles 🙂 i am pretty biased but yeah I think she is cute 🙂 cheers mate.
Thanks +Hammad Rais kids are great like that, all the hardwork and drama can be washed away with a single moment of joy like this 🙂 I hope you and your son have a great week.
+Winnie Young
yep : ( out numbered and out gunned
Thankyou +sophie DIDIER and +Mike Hankey
Thankyou +Oddette Pross , +Rita Aguilar , +Freddy P and +Mary Gobbett
thankyou +Busiso Nkomazana
+Liz C
nice tag 🙂 plenty of tantrum moments too tho.
+Camille Gould
yep.. but that back fires since now my other older girl has no problem eating a lemon and regularly challenges me to it :–/
haha thanks +mary g Cadigan happy st Pat's day to you also, hope you had a great one!
Thankyou +Anthony M. and +Nantis Nantis
+Gerard Blacklock thank you for such a lovely wish.
Tee hee!
Yes I agree +Gerard Blacklock my son would start and I soon learned it was contagious !!!!
Sweet. 🙂 Wonderful smile and so beautiful eyes. And aww… those chubby cheeks…!!!