thats the sister of Chaos and Mayhem. Little E. 4 months old – i reckon we got about another 6 months before the true self is shown….i dub thee Havoc.
14 thoughts on “Don't be fooled by that little cute face”
Ohhhhh! Qué grande estás ya y qué guapa vestida de rojo!! Besossss!!!
"Now when I need that headband to set off my lovely dress …you leave it off! " ……she's growing so fast :/
Awwwwwwww! Love this ❤️
Valuable 3 ))) excellent picture ..
These three darling girls are adorable, all the more so because they are spirited and inquisitive. Baby Havoc will have two wonderful role models in her elder sisters.
+Shirley Caslick hahah .. yeah that would have been good – but the drama just to get these 3 to stand still long enough to take a shot was enough for me 🙂
Ohhhhh! Qué grande estás ya y qué guapa vestida de rojo!! Besossss!!!
"Now when I need that headband to set off my lovely dress …you leave it off! " ……she's growing so fast :/
Awwwwwwww! Love this ❤️
Valuable 3 ))) excellent picture ..
These three darling girls are adorable, all the more so because they are spirited and inquisitive. Baby Havoc will have two wonderful role models in her elder sisters.
Oh, that expression…priceless +Gerard Blacklock.
Thankyou +Blanca Garcia
+Shirley Caslick hahah .. yeah that would have been good – but the drama just to get these 3 to stand still long enough to take a shot was enough for me 🙂
+Liz C 🙂
+andy monet thanks mate
+Carolyn Fahm spirited yes ! passionate and wild yes 🙂
+Donna McClure 🙂
Yes …. their character is there when they are born …. I nearly missed this one !!!! Wonderful :)) Cheers +Gerard Blacklock