If you have seen shows like the biggest loser, the great gatsby, the movie Sleath (yeah it was crap, but cool choppers in there) etc, then you have seen this machine, VH-FHD, Kawasaki BK117, its a bit of a star ;). Its got a cool retro style paint job which reminds me of what these would have (or still do) looked like back in Japan – I know I rave on about these choppers, but they are my favourite , probably closely followed by the BO-105 from which alot of design and parts are common … which leads me a very cool video..
ya gotta check this out, this is Chuck Aaron doing bad bad things to the Red Bull BO-105, so bad its good 😉 watch for the bit where he pours a glass of water on the centre console then does a loop without spilling it…
Back the image, of a BK117, you can see the similarities between the two rotorcraft, and if you need some heli-work see the chaps at Helitreck, its one of the few mobs I would fly with 😉 not like that transasia crew eek 🙁
Exif/setup love:
D750 coupled with 24-70mm f4 @ 24mm Aperture: f/8 and Shutter Speed: 1/250s
ISO 100
out front – Hoya CPL.
very beautiful
Fantastic. Brilliant colors going on here, including +AllThingsRed #allthingsred 😉
Watched the video, what?!?! How does he not crash?!
Fab color and POV. Thank you!
Wow, that video was super IMPRESSIVE!! Chuck Aaron is an amazing pilot!! Great image of the BK117 +Gerard Blacklock!! Great post, thank you for sharing! 🙂
that was thought impossible a few years ago; thanks for sharing
Cool chopper +Gerard Blacklock! Thanks for sharing the youtube video, that guy is awesome! Don't know if I'd fly with him though, may have trouble holding down lunch! 🙂
Thanks +Anna Rimovska
+Liz C
and +AllThingsRed perfect shot for the theme!
+Liz C
pretty crazy video hey! remember though, it would be less rough than your average rollercoaster to probably a fun ride 🙂
Thanks +Elizabeth Testone , glad you liked it 🙂
as I said.. he does bad bad things to helicopters 🙂 +Ian Browne
I think the only mod to the rotorcraft was to fit a special header tank for teh fuel system and oil ? not really sure.. but the rotorhead on these is awesome, rated to -1g to +3.2 gs..
+Tom Testone
with that mustache.. i could not say no to flying with him 😉
cheers mate.
The photo is magnificent but I saw the video just now… oh that is, not really seen, after the first 10 seconds I could not stand up and I covered my eyes with hands like a child in front of a monster! What he has done is very very very dangerous!!! And I am scared to death of heights and I suffer from vertigo… I think I would have died there over.
+Patrizia Melis 🙂 he is living on the edge!
Thanks and have a great week.
Wonderful !