Standing here as the tide came in with my shoes hanging in a tree, the sound of mozzies swarming, crabs coming out to play…. and i thought 'now thats all a bit nice' then the roar of a A380 overhead made it complete 😉 luckily I like aircraft noise I suppose…
time with nature…tick
interaction with the wildlife…tick.
+Gerard Blacklock
This wonderful photo was included in the collection WBTPA’s Editors Choice created by the BTP Editors' Choice (Top Photo Page)!
Please go to see all the stunning photos there including yours!
Wishing you a great day with lots of smiles and positive energy ♥
Marina Versaci
Amazing image 😍
+Gerard Blacklock It’s my pleasure to add your excellent photo to our #BTPPROLandscapeFeaturedCollection Be sure to follow our wonderful collections to see many great photos including yours
Have a wonderful day
Nancy Dempsey
This is the work of a visual poet.
Molt bonic, salutacions ♥♥♥♥
Thankyou +Shelly Gunderson and +sophie DIDIER
thankyou +Nancy Dempsey and +Marina Versaci
Thankyou +Gracia Lozano
+Carolyn Fahm the highest compliment!