Middle Head Fort Triptych Posted on April 18, 2012 by gerry ha G+ i have thwarted your black borders!
thanks +Grant Galbraith, +Carolyn Fahm and +Gabi Gwak I am sure they will change the black stripes soon..
+Matthias Haeussler 🙂 thwarted = To oppose and defeat the efforts, plans, or ambitions of. This image is growing on me more now as well..
Magnificent work and pure genius banishing the dreaded black bars.
Great work!!! Very nice!!
thanks +Grant Galbraith, +Carolyn Fahm and +Gabi Gwak I am sure they will change the black stripes soon..
never heard "thwarted" before, but whatever it means I like it 🙂
+Matthias Haeussler 🙂 thwarted = To oppose and defeat the efforts, plans, or ambitions of.
This image is growing on me more now as well..