Mist/spray on the filters – probably one of the hardest, if not impossible defects to correct in post processing. There is alot to be said for just taking the 5 minutes in the field to take the filter off and clean it, in alot of scenarios it does not really matter, ie low dynamic range larger apertures etc, however at small apertures pointing into the sun or scenes with high dynamic range it can pretty well ruin a image

This image I pretty well gave up to the seascape gods but thought i might just process it and see what happens. It was after all just a frame which i turned around and shot while walking to another spot, the sun set was looking pretty nice in that corner of the sky and there was some nice foreground albeit it busy.

+ColorsOnFriday curated by +Karsten Meyer +Britta Rogge
+Promote Photography
+ShowYourBestWork by +Britta Rogge & +Rita Gijbels
+Landscape Photography curated by +Margaret Tompkins +Carra Riley +paul t beard +David Heath Williams +Bill Wood +Jim Warthman +Ben T

33 thoughts on “Mist/spray on the filters – probably one of the hardest, if not impossible defects to correct in post processing. There is alot to be said for just taking the 5 minutes in the field to take the filter off and clean it, in alot of scenarios it does not really matter, ie low dynamic range larger apertures etc, however at small apertures pointing into the sun or scenes with high dynamic range it can pretty well ruin a image

  1. There is something very calming about this image, and how it captures the still waters of the rock pools in the foreground, against the hues of the skies, and the ocean in the background.

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