super sized windchime
So I had a few hours to burn between jobs midweek so I ducked out for a quick squizzy at the Sclupture by the sea (
Things were pretty quiet and I had free reign of the place and only had to share this glorified wind chime with a few togs, including some dude doing some timelapse on a dolly, it would be very interested to see how they turn out, so if your the dude there msg me 😉
The lights on the sculpture are a bit of a pain and I did consider turning them off, but it would have been pretty obvious 😉 the red colour makes this tricky since this is the colour that burns out first, i really need to do some more research on blending the dark shots to the startrails, anyone got any good tips?
Exif/setup data:
143 frames (startrails) (2 frames for the foreground exposures)
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/5 and Shutter Speed: 60s (each star trail frame) and around 300s for the lighting painting frames.
ISO 800 for the trails. and 100 for everything else
out front – some funky windchime.
Lightpainting: lots of Blue EL wire around the base and EL footprints
Whoua! very cool! 😉
I have no tips, but this is very cool! I like it. 🙂
Wow +Gerard Blacklock stupendous!
that is so cool!!
Superb, magic 🙂
long writing,well written ,but i must consult
a dictionary.(duck,togs)
we are right in the middle of the week now..
and yesterday was Halloween,..
hope you had some candies!
+Gerard Blacklock wow.
looks like the star gate is ready to fire up
Its beautiful
+Christele Alonso
+Pamela Reynoso
+mariana alexandru
+Kitten KaboodleInc
+Michelle Sledgeski
+sophie DIDIER
+Andre PN
+Junaidah Lazimmm
+O. Sydney
🙂 hopefully
Thanks +Hyun Kyung Kim
I must apologise for my slang language and as usual, bad grammar 🙂
togs = photographers
ducked out = take a quick sneaky visit
squizzy = have a look
Halloween is fun, especially with kids 🙂
Very cool +Gerard Blacklock!
Oh wow!! Love all the colors and lights!!
this is drawing!
Great work, Gerard. Very interesting.
Sensational mate.
hello !
Hope u had some fun with kids~yesterday
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+BTP Editors' Choice (Best Top Photographers page) You may want to add +Gerard Blacklock to follow the great works! You may also want to follow our sister page +BTP Daily Highlight or view daily large size shares on Aloha and have a great day!!!
(Janet Clark)
Thanks KT!
Congratulations !!!