Safe Passage

Safe Passage - (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock

Safe Passage – (c) 2014 Gerard Blacklock
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/18 and Shutter Speed: 2.5s
out front – Lee Graduated Filter (0.9x) and Hoya CPL

there is no ferry across this river

Whilst I would not say i get to all that remote places (I call the Gibb River Road remote), i do go to the out of the way and less visited spots (mainly to avoid the hordes of photographers – sydneys northern beaches i am looking at you here 🙂 ) but it never ceases to amaze me that where ever I go I often see the remnants (and functional) tools or provisions placed on rocky outcrops or shelves by fisherman (or others?).

I am left wondering who would bother to drag down metal poles, a rock drill and cement to install tether point… or in this case a place to put a rope crossing between the mainland and this natural arch.

Whilst it is a little difficult to see in this image, there is a mating post/attach point on the rock off to the right of frame to join to the rusty pole in the foreground. It would be a pretty hair raising experience getting across there on a rope 😉

so i dubbed this little river my version of the greek mythological river the styx.

Single shot
Exif/setup love:
D750 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f/18 and Shutter Speed: 2.5s
out front – Lee Graduated Filter (0.9x) and Hoya CPL

50 thoughts on “Safe Passage

  1. Awesome shot…and special atmosphere! I love this natural arch and the suggestive view around, aww that horizon is spectacular! Regarding the "delightful" experience on the rope…instead, oh you can forget!!! 😀

  2. Awesome shot…and special atmosphere! I love this natural arch and the suggestive view around, aww that horizon is spectacular! Regarding the "delightful" experience on the rope…instead, oh you can forget!!! 😀

  3. you and Rodney are starting to annoy me with your great locations you find :p 😆
    Another good one although I do feel a full vertical image does not look quite right at times and I often prefer the 8×10 or even square format. "Harder" to look up and down then side to side (from framing days)

  4. +Ian Browne
    In hindsight, I think this image and also the last one can work much better in a 8*10 or even square format with both images cropped from the bottom.
    I have a panorama view of this same scene (see flickr i probably wont post it here) which I like, but I think I prefer the vertical composition more.
    Regarding locations.. its all about the location, that's the hard bit.. taking the picture is the easy bit, in my opinion. I reckon my 5 year old could go to iceland (for example) and come back with better images than me 🙂

  5. +Mike Disbury
    Yeah can't really fault it, its got a couple of things that are alittle annoying 1) bringing up the menu or the picture review can sometimes be really slow, i reckon there will be a firmware release in the not too distance future to sort that out. 2) with the top LCD screen being smaller they have pushed a few more things onto the rear screen, notably when you change ISO the rear screen lights up with the shooting info etc.. i wonder if you can disable that…
    3) to get to the ML-3 remote menu you have to go into the electronic menu, i liked the D7000 where you could select it on the top dial…

    anyway.. i have been meaning to writeup a gerrys perspective review of it.. but shooting (and family) has taken priority 🙂 i should have something before christmas 😉
    if you have any specific q's just ask.

  6. Very sweet Gerry – maybe crop a touch off the left and top (pull down that top left corner a touch)?
    Mebbe even a more squarish crop (5:4 or something) of the top part?
    Love the placement of the orange section of sky right above the pointed rock

    Those fishermen – freakin' everywhere man – can't be stopped

  7. Congratulations!Gerard Blacklock your wonderful photo deserves promotion, please add it to your BTP Photo Gallery. From there we can promote it on google+ and eventually it might become featured in our Top-Photo-Gallery or website's Front Page. You find the submit link on the right side of our website, if you encounter difficulties please use the help-desk, also visible on the BestTopPhotographer website.
    Thanks in advance for your submission.
    Christine Valin

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