This is little E's favorite spot after standing on a chair or climbing on the rocking horse to lick the TV, she can take delight for quite some time steadily destroying the neatly arranged books on the lower shelf of the bookcase then sitting amoungst them reading (well looking) at which ever one takes her fancy.. then mum and dad spend the next hour tripping over them refusing to carry out the soul destroying task of re-stacking them

Delightful montage, +Gerard Blacklock 😊
Oh I remember it well. Such fun…. but at least a love of books starts early. Lovely pics 🙂
Wonderful to see so many books !!!
he he he 😀
Molt bonic, salutacions ♥♥♥♥
Muy bonito, saludos ♥♥♥♥
I her mind, neatly stacked books defeat their purpose, which is to entertain and delight your delightful little reader. What better than to have them all spread out so that she can immerse herself in the pretty pictures. Baby logic!
Aww what a little cutie 😍
Thankyou +Kim Sinclair
+Shirley Caslick yes, the tactile use of books is something i find very important in todays digital age!
+Loretta Jayne and this is just one bookshelf! the big kids have their own one!
+Carolyn Fahm perfect logic and that is what she does, pretty well like clockwork each day, she will pull down a whole bunch and sit there happy as just picking one up after another..
+Kitten KaboodleInc i reckon so too 😉
+Gerard Blacklock he he !! My son had so many books ( mostly given to him) that I donated them to the new Prep class !
+Loretta Jayne thats so cool, ours are the same, many hand-me-downs and secondhand ones, books are the gift that keep giving!
+Gerard Blacklock too right !!