Embrace the fact that life is not straight and the route not always clear. Paths lead into all kinds of places and experiences, some better than others, and hopefully by the end of it you will have something like this, a solid base with many paths and journeys outstretched.
This majestic old gum does not necessarily have the attraction of the rich colour and youth of some of its nearby peers, but there were still hints of former glory and lines which just drew me in (that and it was pretty well next to my tent )
Very Ethereal !! Cheers +Gerard Blacklock 🙂
All the easier to contemplate on 🙂 +Gerard Blacklock .
+Loretta Jayne 🙂 thanks mate!
+Anjali Satish Tuhil Dukul 🙂 thankyou!
Ghostly tentacles in the snow. Beautiful!
How wonderful! It's sculptural quality melds perfectly with the snow. As +Shirley Caslick so aptly put it, is is indeed ghostly. Your words on the path of life resonates deeply with me, as I live day by day in the autumn of my own life path.
+Shirley Caslick i agree, when you see a forest of these (caused by fires many years ago) it is very ghostly. Thanks for looking and commenting.
+Carolyn Fahm and autumn is not a time to fear or loathe, its a beautiful season with many riches, which often outweigh warmer seasons – this goes for life too 🙂 I hope you are well Carolyn.
+Gerard Blacklock oh now this makes the most of this beauty! Fabulous!
+Kitten KaboodleInc thanks mate 🙂 this was one of favourite trees from the weekend…
+Gerard Blacklock I can understand that! Love the extra texture from the chunks of ice and snow hanging off it too :))