What to do when your meant to be alseep ? Posted on May 13, 2018 by gerry help Dad edit some pictures (from ages ago before i was born 😉 )
Oh how cute +Gerard Blacklock ! 😄 What a good little helper! Reminding more and more of you every day (I think lol)
+Liz C aww c'mon.. i got two front teeth… 🙂 you should see how effective just these two are.. on apples and anything else :0
So lovely Little E. Thanks Gerard 💚
Such a little character 🙂
Awwwwwwww! Love a toothless smile.
Hello Little Cutie 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Oh how cute +Gerard Blacklock ! 😄 What a good little helper! Reminding more and more of you every day (I think lol)
Starting her creative journey early. She has a smile that could light up the entire world.
+sophie DIDIER 🙂 thanks Sophie
+Al Chris such a little trooper, which you have to be with sisters like hers 🙂
+Liz C aww c'mon.. i got two front teeth… 🙂 you should see how effective just these two are.. on apples and anything else :0
+Loretta Jayne 🙂
+Kitten KaboodleInc me.. nah 🙂 she is not nearly as cranky as me 🙂
+Carolyn Fahm 🙂 very much so, always lights up my day, no matter how crap its been.
+Gerard Blacklock lol yes well I could believe that 😉 :p