Memories are made everyday, whether they are crap ones or good one is the only real variable i(unless you factor in getting old then forgetfullness can play a part, for the better in some cases) 🙂
Here's hudgee Nudgee, a place of mixed memories, good for photos, bad for mozzies, bad for mud, bad for bare feet.
Worth all the pain though I reckon.
They say after time you just remember the good things .. not sure about that ! This is a CRACKER !! Thank you +Gerard Blacklock 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Striking landscape. I have memories of trekking out to a really beautiful place and back, only to have attracted so many mosquitoes that my arms and my legs were covered with very near to a total of one hundred bites. And this was through my clothing! Beautiful place; bad memory.