With only the moon to watch over you

With only the Moon to watch over you - (c) Gerard Blacklock

With only the Moon to watch over you – (c) Gerard Blacklock
D7000 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 20mm Aperture: f/8 and Shutter Speed: 1/6s
lets see who notices that funky combo 😉
Out front: Lee graduated filter (0.9x)

time to contemplate your position in the world
i’ll save you some time 🙂 …your one in about 7 billion odd people, be thankful for what you have and not what you don’t 🙂

My favorite park bench – for which one must be patient and wait for a moment of solidarity since its so damn popular with the dog walkers..runners… walkman junkies (yeah thats for you over 30 peeps)…and the rest of the park lovers 😉

This is Sydney Park, my often ‘go to’ location when I have little or no time, its always a wealth of compositions and the rolling hills give me a sense of being somewhere else than in the middle of the inner west of Sydney, which as great as it is…can be a drag some days ..

view this full size, viewing guaranteed 🙂

5 shot panorama, just as the sun was blazing down amongst the western suburbs
Techie exif data love..
D7000 coupled with 16-35mm f4 @ 20mm Aperture: f/8 and Shutter Speed: 1/6s
lets see who notices that funky combo 😉
Out front: Lee graduated filter (0.9x)

13 thoughts on “With only the moon to watch over you

  1. Oh fantastic work…I'm out of breath, you seem to be able to embrace this sky….this scenery with the eyes. Landscape so simple and stunning atmosphere, …. should not be missed! Very beautiful and meaningful your premise +Gerard Blacklock Thank you!

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