your just lucky I can't walk over there and punch you in the nose for making me wear this non-functional headband…. just you wait 😉
I really wanted one of those cool baby shots where the child is fast asleep and positioned in this handy basket that I found in the kids room the other, but little E is not so little and not so non-wriggly.. at the very least Tickles and I had fun trying to get her to cooperate 🙂
Hola cute Edith!
Tienes suerte teniendo un papá tan cariñoso que te hace mimos y reír y unas preciosas hermanas!!
Muchos besos sweetie!💕😍😘😘😘😘💕
+Gerard Blacklock Really nicely done Gerard, good setup and lovely lighting. The fact your models are so cute helps as well 🙂
Lovely baby Gerard, thank you for share 💚
There is no way these could have been more adorable. No way at all!
thankyou +Blanca Garcia 🙂
+Chris Sutton i am a bit rusty on this stuff.. i really need to get myself another flash, I find the single flash a bit limiting, that said.. its always a bit of fun and that is what is important 🙂 and yeah lucky they are cute 🙂
Thanks +sophie DIDIER
+Carolyn Fahm 🙂 thanks Carolyn!
+Gerard Blacklock Your intro still makes me giggle 😄