Sydney Sunset

… from Mrs Macquarie’s Chair

There is some really beautiful detail in this image, you can see the projections onto the Opera House sails (LHS), the Harbour bridge climbers, the lights of North sydney.
It can be quite tricky to capture sunset scenes when shooting directly into the sunset or light source, the large dynamic range in the light means you need ot bracket your images, even when the light does become more subtle and soft as when this shot was taken.

This image is a panorama of 3 frames, with each frame bracketed, you can see the result in this by looking at the shadow detail on the opera house and the full rich orange of the sunset underneath the bridge. There are quite a few ways to do images like this, in this case I have automatically blended the individual pano frames in Lightroom resulting in 3 DNG format files, these are then sent to Photoshop to be stitched together, there is then a bit of wrangling to ensure the perspective is correct and just some usual adjustments to accentuate the scene.

23 thoughts on “Sydney Sunset

  1. +Gerard Blacklock Hi Gerard, many thanks, that's much appreciated. I'll just need a jpeg file of what you've posted here, I'll check the width, but don't need anything changed on the image. I'll run the image by him and get back to you soon. Payment methods are flexible 🙂

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