+Rodney Campbell, you deserve this 😉
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+Gerard Blacklock cool
Yeah!!! 🙂
You know they are very seductive – since we've already done all the hard work taking and putting together the pano – it's like photographic crack man 🙂
this is gorgeous!! 🙂
+Rodney Campbell yep, addictive, hopefully it will wear off soon, however, standby for my montage of planetoids 🙂
thanks for looking and commenting +Charles Lupica , +Tomáš Vocelka and +Ana Andres
Nooo – don't say that… sigh – I have six of them now…
Problem is my daughter really likes them – she has two of them printed and framed large on her wall…
+Gerard Blacklock try doing one indoors. They can be very interesting.
+Little Planet panoramas you are not helping my sad adiction to these things – you have now caused me to start thinking of buildings where i can do this aarrghhh..
Wow I like this!
+Tom Ring's Brown Daub Kia
cheers mate 🙂
Thanks +Kate Arnold
fantastic !!!