see if you can find jabba, the original slug from the Star Wars movie 🙂 or maybe just a toad 🙂
I love these kind of scenes, lone rocks seemingly to resist the sea's surge to reclaim them to the depths.
Exif love:
D750 coupled with Nikkor 16-35mm f4 @ 16mm Aperture: f13 and Shutter Speed: 98.9s
ISO 100
Out front – and Hoya CPL and Lee Graduated Filter 0.9x and some ND filter
Beautiful picture ☺ ☺
+Gerard Blacklock Hidden in plain sight 🙂 Nice one Gerard.
cool exposure time
Simply stunning…!!
Lying in the surf with his eyes and mouth out : D
Wow! Yes. Love it 🙂
Fantastic !!!
Wicked, yip see him in there ! Neat
Superb picture ! looks like Dali !!
Well done!
I love how different this one is Gerard. Nice work.
Thankyou for stopping by and commenting, very much appreciated!
+Stephanie B. Regan
+Chris Sutton
+Glen Schlueter
+Kailash Khedekar
+Ronald Varley 🙂
+Liz C
+andy monet
+Shannan Crow
+Christian Choret
+Michelle Joseph-Long
+Clint Burkinshaw