This is the ocean saying to Gerry, ''dance skinny white boy or your gonna get wet ' 🙂
……… and i danced..and still got wet, might need to improve the dance skillz methinks.
Exif/setup data:
D7000 coupled with Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 @11mm Aperture: f/19 and Shutter Speed: 1/2s
out front – a wet LEE graduated filter 0.9 and screw in circular polariser
As always, I welcome any suggestions, comments and improvements to my photography, they are always warmly welcomed.
Were you waltzing instead of breakdancing? I can picture the scene!
amazing work, very beautiful!
great work…………
+Gerard Blacklock congratulations! Your photo has been selected for display on as Photo Of The Day for Aug 25
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Thank you, enjoy your day!
Edward Kowalski
thanks +Patrizia Melis
+Mike Hankey
lol..if i could waltzing i would , this style was more breakneck dancing 🙂
Thankyou +Anna Rimovska
+Linda J
+Best Top Photographer Group and +Edward Kowalski
cheers +jo Williams
It's called levitation mate 🙂
Good shot +Gerard Blacklock
Thats really good!!!!"""
cheers +Sajad Mohammed , +Prem Kumar Gutty and +Janet Hart JH
+Rodney Campbell
make sure you hook me up with some of those next time 🙂
When I figure it out you'll be the first to know mate 🙂