Be afraid of the sea, it claims many.
The first image of the morning, very rarely do I even keep the first image, however in this case I quite liked the moodiness and dark overtones.
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member of +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
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I like this photo, especially the blue tones in the sky.
Nothing like waking up with the sun, clouds, and just a beautiful misty morn. Awesom thanks for sharing wish I was there.
Splendid photo, like the blue tones in the sky !!!!!
Splendid photo !
Stunning shot, love the blues : )
Cool shot!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!!
fantastic ….beautiful ….
Wonderfully beautiful. 🙂
Stunning capture. Thank you for sharing it with +1212Scenery
Dear +Gerard Blacklock Congratulations! Your photo has been selected for display on as Photo Of The Day for October 2
It might take several hours before your photo shows up on the site! Don't miss to check out your photo in our website!
Thank you, Enjoy your day!
_Nicole Gruber_❤
♥ ~❤❤❤~ ♥ 🙂
Great work! Thanks for sharing with +AllThingsBlue !
Just beautiful