Demon Ride

Welcome to the sculptures, 2013, we need more flexible security guards, they just don't understand art 😉

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+Suren J you missed the car – next time dude.
+Rodney Campbell on EL wire duty
+Cameron Fong what happened to ya?

+SculptureBythe Sea
+SculptureBythe Sea

+Visit NSW
member of +Best Top Photographer Group ,+Rinus Bakker , +BTP Daily Highlight , +BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page)
+#VibrantWednesday curated by +Ajay Hatti
+Whatever Wednesday!!! curated by +Cicely Robin Laing
+PixelWorld curated by +Alberto Carreras
curated by +Jarek Klimek
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+ShowYourBestWork by +Britta Rogge & +Rita Gijbels
+10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS curated by +Robert SKREINER
paintitclub +PaintIt Club curated by +Richard Mabb +Celso de Carvalho +Clare Bambers +Rick Leaf +k phelps +Carol Small +Astrid Bartels +Milena Ilieva +Stefan Kierek +Elin Vaeth
+Nightscapes curated by +Christopher Prins
+AllThingsRed curated by +Lucille Galleli and +Stephen Thackeray
+Everything Red curated by +Carra Riley +Donna St. Pierre
+AllThingsOrange curated by +Nina Piccoli , +Kenneth Williams and +Lauren Kelly

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