Welcome to the sculptures, 2013, we need more flexible security guards, they just don't understand art 😉
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+Suren J you missed the car – next time dude.
+Rodney Campbell on EL wire duty
+Cameron Fong what happened to ya?
+SculptureBythe Sea
+SculptureBythe Sea
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Woah.. I love it!
🙂 – yep I preferred this take too (as did my eldest)
It was a fun night out +Gerard Blacklock – thanks
and notice +Suren J managed to actually post some images this time – must have remembered where his memory card was 🙂
+Gerard Blacklock I was tempted to ask for my money back for the hell of it, and then I viewed it large 🙂
Haha little did I know that it was going to be awesome. I am glad I left when I did as it was a little too late for my liking…
Amazing shot +Gerard Blacklock. I want one 🙂
Great !!
Thanks +Christopher Prins
+Rodney Campbell i like the other one too, but the colour of the car is better in this one.. great to +Suren J posting images.
+Chris Sutton i am happy to give a full refund 😉
Thanks for the view and comment.
+Suren J you can sleep on the weekend 🙂
cheers +Dean Cannon
+AllThingsRed me too, but hopefully with a engine, this was gutted 😉
thanks +Mutita EdibleArt